Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ubuntu Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Part 2

Ubuntu Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Part 2

I reported on problems with Ubuntu Logitech diNovo Edge Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard, and now in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric and Ubuntu 12.04 Precise the problem resurfaces each time you do a fresh install or Distribution Upgrade. But the solution is slightly different than before.

Update: The problem appears in Ubuntu/Kubuntu 12.04 Precise also, but the solution is the same.

This solution is using for the Logitech diNovo Edge in Ubuntu/Kubuntu. Symptoms are the bluetooth-device-manager kept prompting me to connect to the device but nothing I did ever worked.

Here is the solution / fix for getting the keyword to work. The source for this information is here.

The problem is in the udev rules. In 11.04 there was a special line in /lib/udev/rules.d/70-hid2hci.rules for Logitech devices that started with KERNEL=="hidraw*".
These seem to be missing in default configurations. This fix adds this line into another file instead which makes things work.

Edit the file: /lib/udev/rules.d/##-bluez-hid2hci.rules (where the ## is the number on your system. Just search for the keywords bluez-hid2hci.rules in the /lib/udev/rules.d/ directory. For example, on my system in Ubuntu 11.10 it was number 62 and on Ubuntu 12.04 is was 97.)

(If you need help editing a file, see bottom section.)

Change this line:
# Logitech devices
KERNEL=="hiddev*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c70[345abce]|c71[34bc]",
RUN+="hid2hci --method=logitech-hid --devpath=%p"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c70[345abce]|c71[34bc]",
RUN+="hid2hci --method=logitech-hid --devpath=%p"
I have made the changed sections BOLD. Save the changes to the file. I also turned bluetooth off from the icon in the system tray.
After making this change, I turned on my wireless keyboard, unplugged its bluetooth dongle, plugged it back in, paired the keyword with the dongle, and a few seconds later it worked. I did not even have to reboot.

download file now