Thursday, August 31, 2017

Travis Day on the state of WotB and Archon

Travis Day on the state of WotB and Archon

Blizzard tracker: April 19, 2013

I have a love hate relationship with Wrath and Archon for that matter. This is a topic that I felt I should at least comment on since its come up on many occasions. There is no fundamental flaw with having a 2 minute cooldown ability that transforms your character and is really powerful, the problem is when it becomes a forgone conclusion that these AWESOME abilities are up 100% of the time and instead of being excited that they are up you are annoyed when they fall off. We have talked about what if anything we want to do with these abilities in the long term. I will say we have no short term plans to change them but we dont like that they arent fulfilling their original purpose which is to provide a really awesome button that mixes up the tempo of combat for a small window of time.


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