Monday, August 28, 2017
Ubuntu Hardy 8 04 Package available for download
Ubuntu Hardy 8 04 Package available for download
A deb package of jpdfbookmarks for Ubuntu 8.04 is now ready for download at the download page. It offers a better integration then the general Linux installer in the Ubuntu environment. It also install the man page for the program that you can access as usual with:
man jpdfbookmarks
If you are an Ubuntu user you should choose this method of installation, if you already installed the program with the general Linux installer, uninstall it using the uninstall program in the installation directory, the command should be something like:
sudo /usr/local/lib/jpdfbookmarks/uninstall
then download the .deb file and double click it to install or use the command:
sudo dpkg -i jpdfbookmarks_1.2.1ubuntu0_all.deb
The package depends on a java runtime environment version 5 or later, so to install the package you first need to have installed one of sun-java6-bin, sun-java5-jre or openjdk-6-jre packages, anyway you can just try to install and the package manager will tell you if dependencies are satisfied.
download file now