Monday, August 28, 2017

Ubiquiti Airos 5 6 CPE on Cacti

Ubiquiti Airos 5 6 CPE on Cacti


Ubiquiti has created a new MIB definition to go with the new version of AirOS.  I made myself some new templates to monitor 5.6 version AirOS devices, I will try to update the templates when the 5.6 goes final.

I am working with Cacti version 0.8.7i since that is the current version available to apt-get install on Ubuntu 12.04.

Client Signal - Polled From AP


AP Station Count

AP Uptime

Client Connection Details - Polled from AP

Client Connection Details - Polled from Client

The new AirOs version allows you to graph the stats of clients connected to an AirOS AP by polling the AP itself. If you need any additional data on the graphs, or have any suggestions on how I can improve the graphs, let me know so that I can update them.

Remember to put AirOS5_6.xml and AirOS5_6_AP.xml in your /cacti/resource/snmp_queries/ directory.
You can import the host templates through the Cacti web interface.

The AirOS5_6_AP.xml specifically allows you to graph details from AP connected clients by polling the AP. Please note that currently there is still one problem, the station list returns the station names in HEX. I still have to figure out how to change that.

A note on client traffic:
At this point in time version 5.6-beta3.21929 does not seem to actually post the traffic to the snmp agent.
Client traffic, whether polled from the client itself, or the AP, will be graphed from the perspective of the client once Ubiquiti fixes the bug.

Download Version 0.1 from DropBox

download file now