Thursday, August 31, 2017

Transformers Game Full Version Free Download

Transformers Game Full Version Free Download

Transformers Game highly compressed Direct Single link free download
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System Requirements:
Pentium 4 3.4 GHz,
Graphic Card 256 MB
GeForce 6600 or Better
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

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TRON Evolution

TRON Evolution

To get TRON: Evolution working with your rumblepad 2 or dual action game pad, youll need to download and install the x360ce vibmod Other versions wont work.

Put the files in the installed directory as follows...

Program FilesDisney Interactive StudiosTron EvolutionBinariesWin32Live


Now, dont forget to go into game settings and enable gamepad. And off you go to play the game with your pad.

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Ubuntu source list generator official and 3rd parties servers

Ubuntu source list generator official and 3rd parties servers

The other day I was talking about the default sources.list file after a clean install on Ubuntu 9.10.
You can also generate an sources.list file from :

You can choose from default main, restricted, universe and multiverse, and also from ubuntu security updates servers: security, updates, proposed and backports, and some 3rd parties repositories.

3rd party repositories: Abiword, Ailurus, AWN (Avant Window Navigator), Banshee, BaShare, Blueman, Breathe Icon Set, Cairo Dock, Chromium Project, Conky, Deluge BitTorrent, Dropbox, Emesene, Esmska, Exaile, FreeNX, GetDeb, GNOME-Colors PPA, Gnome-Do, Google Linux Software Repositories, Google Linux Software Repositories (testing), HandBrake, Kadu, KDE 3.5, KMess, Kubuntu Backports, Kubuntu Beta, Kubuntu Experimental, Kubuntu Updates, LMMS - Linux MultiMedia Studio, MediaInfo, Medibuntu, Mendeley Desktop, Miro HD Video Player, Mozilla Daily Build Team, OpenShot, Opera, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition, origami, Pidgin, Playdeb, PlayOnLinux, PPA for Kiwi Linux Members, qutIM (SVN), Skype, SMPlayer, Terminator, Themes for GNOME and Ubuntu, Tor: anonymity online, Ubuntu Tweak, VirtualBox, VLC Media Player, Vuze, Wicd, Wine, X Updates and XBMC Media Center.

Resources: Ubuntugeek

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Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen trailer

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen trailer

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Ujian Nasional 2013 Ujian Gagal Nasional

Ujian Nasional 2013 Ujian Gagal Nasional

Sejak wacana Ujian Nasional Tahun 2013 dengan 20 Paket Soal didengungkan ke masyarakat, membuat banyak kekhawatiran di kalangan pendidikan. Di mana para guru harus berekstra keras untuk mempersiapkan siswa-siswanya untuk belajar dan belajar. Para siswa yang akan menghadapi Ujian Nasional tidak akan dapat mengetahui jenis paket soal apa yang akan dikerjakan nanti pada saat ujian nanti, karena setiap soal dilengkapi dengan barcode.
Di tengah-tengah kalangan pendidikan menghadapi kegalauan dalam mempersiapkan pelaksanaan ujian nasional yang menggunakan 20 paket soal, 2 hari menjelang pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional 2013 hingga hari H, paket Soal Ujian Nasional untuk SMA dan SMK untuk 11 Provinsi di kawasan Indonesia Tengah belum dapat terkirim dari percetakan sehingga membuat jadwal Ujian Nasional yang semula dijadwalkan dari tanggal 15 April 2013 bergeser menjadi tanggal 18 April 2013 dimana telah membawa dampak kerugian secara psikologis bagi siswa-siswa yang telah siap melaksanakan Ujian Nasional.
Keterlambatan dan tidak terkirimnya ke 11 Provinsi yang meliputi Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur,Sulawesi Utara,Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Barat, Gorontalo, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur menunjukkan ketidaksiapan Pemerintah Indonesia khususnya Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dalam mempersiapkan pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional secara professional sehinga pelaksanaan Ujian gagal nenjadi Nasional lagi dan ini merupakan sejarah terburuk dalam pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional.
Di sini perencanaan pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional kurang terkoordinasi secara baik, dimana dalam proses penentuan tender pencetakan naskah soal walau secara prosedur telah mengikuti prosedur yang berlaku, namun di dalam penentuan pemenang tender perusahaan pencetakan naskah Ujian Nasional, Pemerintah khususnya Kemdikbud salah menentukan pemenang tender pencetakan Naskah Soal Ujian Nasional yang berkualitas dan memiliki kinerja yang baik dan memiliki sumber daya manusia yang handal. Melihat perkembangan berita Ujian Nasional baik melalui Media televise ataupun media cetak dan Internet, di dalam percetakan naskah soal, perusahaan pencetak naskah soal mengalami kesulitan di dalam menentukan dan memasukkan ke kategori kategori soal ke dalam box soal, ini dikarenakan karena kurang pengalaman dari percetakan pemenang tender dalam mencetak naskah UN.
Menyikapi hal tersebut,sebaiknya Kemdikbud menempatkan orang-orang yang paham mengenai seluk beluk naskah Ujian Nasional sehingga dapat mengawasi proses pengepakan soal ke dalam dus-dus soal, sehingga kesalahan naskah dan tertukarnya naskah dapat terhindari.
Dan banyaknya terjadi kekacauan pada pelaksanaan hari pertama Ujian Nasional di ke-22 Provinsi seperti Naskah Ujian Nasional Bahasa Indonesia Lembar Jawabannya Bahasa Inggris. Di Sampul Bahasa Indonesia, Isi Soal Bahasa Inggris, Soal-soal banyak yang rusak baik dari dus-dus pembungkusnya dan robeknya beberapa naskah, ini menunjukkan kualitas bahan yang rendah, padahal dana yang dikucurkan oleh Pemerintah sangat besar. Apakah dengan kualitas rendahnya bahan-bahan yang digunakan naskah soal Ujian Nasional ini menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan di masyarakat, apakah telah terjadi mark up dalam pencetakan naskah soal?
Kita tidak mengetahuinya, hal ini perlu diselidiki terhadap perusahaan pencetak naskah apakah telah melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan prosedur.
Dan untuk ke depan semoga Kemdikbud dapat memperbaiki kinerjanya di dalam mempersiapkan naskah soal Ujian Nasional. Dan dapat memilih perusahaan percetakan yang berkualitas dan tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Jumlah Perusahaan Percetakan yang saat ini hanya 6 saja tidak cukup melayani pengiriman soal ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Jadi pencetakan naskah soal kalau bisa diserahkan pada provinsi masing-masing, di mana tiap-tiap provinsi memiliki perusahaan �perusahan yang berkualitas, kalaupun tidak bisa dilaksanakan minimal satu percetakan melayani pencetakan dan pengiriman soal untuk 3 provinsi sehingga di Indonesia ada 11 perusahaan percetakan.
Semoga Kemdikbud dapat mengkoreksi pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional sebagai evaluasi bagi pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional di masa mendatang dan alangkah lebih baiknya pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional tidak digunakan lagi sebagai kriteria kelulusan,tapi hanya digunakan sebagai pengukur pemetaan tingkat pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah.
Nusa Dua, 16 April 2013
Fibri Aryanto,A.Md

Sumber :

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Tugas Biologi 1 Difusi Terbantu

Tugas Biologi 1 Difusi Terbantu

Tugas Biologi 1 Difusi Terbantu 


Penjelasan Difusi Terbantu:
Difusi Terbantu adalah proses difusi yang memerlukan bantuan Protein pembawa (carrier protein), for eg: enzim.

Cara kerja proses Difusi Terbantu:
Proses difusi terbantu difasilitasi oleh suatu protein. Difusi terbantu sangat tergantung pada suatu mekanisme transpor dari membran sel. molekul luar masuk ke dalam sel yang di bantu oleh suatu protein yang membuat molekul tersebut dapat masuk ke dalam sel.

Proses difusi di kehidupan sehari hari sel:
Difusi terbantu dapat ditemui pada kehidupan sehari-hari, misalnya pada bakteri Escherichia coli yang diletakkan pada media laktosa. Membran sel bakteri tersebut bersifat impermeabel sehingga tidak dapat dilalui oleh laktosa. Setelah beberapa menit kemudian bakteri akan membentuk enzim dari dalam sel yang disebut permease, yang merupakan suatu protein sel. Enzim permease inilah yang akan membuatkan jalan bagi laktosa sehingga laktosa ini dapat masuk melalui membran sel.
Contoh gambar proses Difusi Terbantu :

Sekian saja ya tugas tugas yang saya post dan jangan lupa di share ya kalau itu menurut anda penting trimakasih salam tween :)

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True Blood 4ª Temporada S04E11 HDTV

True Blood 4ª Temporada S04E11 HDTV

True Blood S04E11 HDTV Legenda

Descri��o: A s�rie mostra Sookie Stackhouse, uma gar�onete, da Louisianna, que pode ler os pensamentos das pessoas. Sua vida vira de ponta-cabe�a quanto ela conhece o vampiro Bill, que aparece no seu trabalho, o Bar Marlotte, dois anos depois dos vampiros "sa�rem do caix�o" em rede nacional de televis�o. Gra�as especialmente � cria��o por pesquisadores Japoneses de um sangue sint�tico chamado "True Blood" (que d� nome � s�rie) os vampiros agora, com sua exist�ncia revelada ao mundo, lutam por direitos civis e o reconhecimento da sociedade, enfrentando seus medos e preconceitos.

Titulo Original: True Blood
T�tulo Traduzido: True Blood
G�nero: Horror / Suspense / Drama
Epis�dio: S04E11- �Soul of Fire�
Dura��o: 60 Min.
Tamanho: 550.20 MB
Qualidade de Audio: 10
Qualidade de V�deo: 10
Formato: AVI
Qualidade: HDTV
Resolu��o: 624 x 352
Codec do V�deo: XviD
Codec do �udio: MP3
Idioma: Ingl�s
Legenda: Em Breve | Equipe: United
Data de Exibi��o: 04/09/2011

Megaupload | Fileserve | FileSonic

..::Vers�o em 720p::..
Release Name: True.Blood.S04E11.720p.HDTV.x264-DIMENSION
Formato: MKV
Tamanho: 1.97 GB
Resolu��o: 1280 x 720
Legenda: Em Breve | Equipe: United

Fileserve � Parte1 | Parte2 | Parte3
Megaupload � Parte1 | Parte2 | Parte3

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كيف تمسح صورة أو نص من ملف PDF بسهولة

كيف تمسح صورة أو نص من ملف PDF بسهولة

?? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? PDF ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????????? ? ???? ? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ? ??? ?? ?????? PDF Eraser ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ????? .

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????? : PDF Eraser

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TrueOS Lumina Desktop Environment user experience overview Part 1

TrueOS Lumina Desktop Environment user experience overview Part 1

Your enjoyment of TrueOS and the default Lumina desktop environment is largely dependent on your experience with FreeBSD, and your tolerance for different work environments. Windows and macOS users will find the experience jarring especially when it comes to performing tasks they are accustomed to doing in a certain way. Even Linux users might find TrueOS uncomfortable, though veteran Linux users who had used early Mandriva, Knoppix, and Debian releases will be more open-minded.

If you stick to the command line interface, you will notice differences between TrueOS with Lumina and FreeBSD 11. If you work primarily on the desktop, then Lumina has a few traits similar to Enlightenment (E17) or a standalone IceWM install.

Aesthetics and customization

Users who like making minute changes to their desktop environment will definitely start work on changing Luminas appearance. Even serious users who dont generally change icon and window defaults will probably end up making changes. As always, its a matter of taste and preference.

For the most part, the desktop settings can easily be changed directly, but you can go one step further by editing the text configuration files using the Theme Editor.

Performance and graphics

The default Lumina desktop environment has a low overhead, but on my Zotac ZBOX Nano with an Intel Celeron, Intel HD chip, and 8 GB of RAM, there were brief pixel artifacts and shadowing when I dragged windows and applications. Moreover, observant users will probably notice a brief lag when performing tasks - its hard to tell whether its due more to FreeBSD or TrueOS Lumina.

Note: I run FreeBSD 11 with either Xfce or MATE on modest hardware and work mostly on the terminal for tasks, so performance is hard to assess and making comparisons would be inaccurate. Linux distributions on the same hardware, however, shrug off all tasks I perform daily with no impact on desktop user experience.

According to the System Monitor Lumina Plugin, basic tasks such as running Firefox, Chromium, and file managers never really pushes TrueOS. Basic photo editing, taking screen captures, and transferring files to my NAS only trigger a slight bump, though playback of media using VLC registered a considerable amount of resources.

Continued in TrueOS + Lumina Desktop Environment User Experience Part 2

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TWRP App 1 10 Latest APK Download

TWRP App 1 10 Latest APK Download

App developed by Team Win for TWRP. Use the app to alert you when new TWRP versions are released for your device. When a new version is available, download it using the app and install it (root users only) without rebooting to recovery.

File Description:

TWRP App 1.10 Latest APK Download

App developed by Team Win for TWRP. Use the app to alert you when new TWRP versions are released for your device. When a new version is available, download it using the app and install it (root users only) without rebooting to recovery.

File Information:

File name: me.twrp.twrpapp_v1.10-23_Android-4.0.apk
Version: 1.10 (23)
File size: 1.86MB (1,953,090 bytes)
Minimum Android version: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14)
MD5: 4335174b107c73a8c83fe80386643927
SHA1: 563beff1f7f3f24d28a4f40657413c9832eb4f39

Download Link:

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Two videos showing how much YouTube users love Google

Two videos showing how much YouTube users love Google

I recently started catching up with all my feeds, YouTube subs, news, and that stuff. Anyway, G+ is now on YouTube, and is necessary for commenting, which sucks. Now, most users hate this new �integration�, but it sucks... real bad. Well, there are two videos that show how much we hate it.

The first one is from Emma Blackery.

And this second one is from TwistedGrimTV.

Of course, there are probably a thousand videos like this, but these two are the ones I really enjoyed. +1

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Ubuntu 14 04 LTS Trusty Tahr Code Name

Ubuntu 14 04 LTS Trusty Tahr Code Name

"Trusty Tahr" telah dipilih Mark Shuttleworth menjadi julukan untuk rilis Ubuntu mendatang. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS yang diperkirakan akan hadir pertengahan hingga akhir April tahun depan tersebut akan menjadi rilis long term support (LTS) setelah rilis Ubuntu 12.04 LTS dua tahun sebelumnya.

code name Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trasty Tahr
Trusty Tahr diambil dari nama binatang yang banyak berkeliaran secara alami di pegunungan Himalaya. Tahr sejenis kambing liar yang memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan, memanjat dan mendaki bukit bebatuan.

Mengapa "Trusty Tahr" dipilih menjadi code nama Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? silahkan kunjungi halaman blog Mark Shuttleworth ini untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih rincinya... :D

Dipublikasikan di:
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Trusty Tahr, ubuntu terbaru

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Ubuntu Lubuntu 12 04 Shutdown doesnt power off Solved

Ubuntu Lubuntu 12 04 Shutdown doesnt power off Solved

I found that Ubuntu 12.04 and its family (Lubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu 12.04) does not power off when I Shutdown or Reboot my PC. When I press shutdown button it kills all running processes and the screen goes black but my computer doesnt power off. Machines fans are still running and the screen is still on. It stop at the screen shows below.
Ubuntu Lubuntu Xubuntu Kubuntu 12.04 Shutdown doesnt power off screenshot
Shutdown doesnt power off 
I have to hold down the power button in order to completely shut down my PC. It seems all processes are stop working, but a blue dot under logo is still on and nothing happened afterwards.
  • sudo gedit /etc/default/grub
  • Now find the line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
  • Change this line to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force"
  • Save the file and close the file. Finally, in terminal, type:
  • sudo update-grub
To implement commands you must press ENTER button of your keyboard after each command. This command has been solve my problem.
Remember that at first line gedit is a name of text editor. So if you are in Lubuntu change gedit and write leafpad to open grub configuration file. Do the same for other Linux distro.

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UK Press Calls For Apostle Helen Ukpabios Ban From Their Country

UK Press Calls For Apostle Helen Ukpabios Ban From Their Country

Helen Ukpabio May Be Banned From Entering UK!

UK Press Calls For Apostle Helen Ukpabios Ban From Their Country...

Resident say that she has become a threat to their kids.... How is this possible?... Read here for yourself
The Pentecostal preacher claims to have been betrothed to Satan as a teenager before being rescued from a cult at the age of 17. She now specialises in liberating captives in �deliverance sessions� that critics claim are little more than crude

Among her advice to parents is the suggestion: �If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health, he or she is a servant of Satan.�

Campaigners say such beliefs, prevalent in some parts of the developing world, can put children�s safety at risk. They have written to Ms May to urge that the pastor be banned from the UK after the current tour.

It is important that the UK authorities send a message to the world that branding children, or anyone, as a witch, is beyond the pale.

Lady Apostle Ukpabio has been in the forefront of hunting for witches in her native Akwa Ibom and her target happens to be little children and sometime, frail old men and women.

She has also been fingered in the torturing of these helpless kids so as to make them confess to being witches.

Popular woman of God and movie actress cum producer, Lady Apostle Helen Ukpabio, has been described as being a danger to children and may be banned from entering the United Kingdom if their media have their way.

The Founder and General Overseer of Liberty Gospel Church who is renowned witch hunter has been at logger heads with the Akwa Ibom State government since she began her campaign of catching alleged child witches.

The government had accused her of torturing, maiming and even causing the death of some children in the event of forcing them to confess to being witches and wizards.

 She was once reported as saying;

If a child under the age of two screams in the night, cries and is always feverish with deteriorating health, he or she is a servant of Satan.

This statement of hers has made many to see her as an enemy of children and the British press are against her negative believes about children which they see as being detrimental to them.

The Independent newspaper in the UK wrote this about her:

The Home Secretary Theresa May, is being urged to step in to prevent a Nigerian �witch hunter� returning to the UK after she flew in to preach to congregations in London.

Lady Apostle Helen Ukpabio, founder of the controversial Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries, is believed to still be in the capital after addressing three gatherings last week.

Most of her movies have been on the activities of witches and wizards operating and causing limitations in peoples lives.

Do you think the British press is justified in wanting her banned from entering their country?

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UEFI EFI BIOS and FAT32 NTFS A Record of a PITS experience setting up dual boot on an UEFI machine extra pain for running without a DVD drive

UEFI EFI BIOS and FAT32 NTFS A Record of a PITS experience setting up dual boot on an UEFI machine extra pain for running without a DVD drive

So, I was playing around with my Laptop last night and I ruined everything by attempting to reinstall the Ubuntu 14.04 on my dual booting laptop.

The reason? I have tried to make Chromes Chinese font looks better on my Ubuntu setup, I chose the wrong way to do it - I installed the Ubuntu Chinese language package to install and it essentially made all of the Chinese fonts in Chrome to show as ??? - that is just weird.

If this is an English setup, it would almost like replacing all fonts with Comic Sans... thats no eye candy at all.

Also, after I remove the Chinese language package from my Ubuntu, Chrome started acting weirdly like showing messed up encoded Chinese characters instead of... normal scripts.

So I had to do it.

Everything went well at the beginning, I loaded up a pendrive with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 from the official ISO, I meant to install it on the partition I used for Ubuntu, but somehow it erased everything on my Laptop, which is running on a 128GB SSD, wiping everything out including my up-and-running normal Windows 8.1 setup.

Thats where the mess started last night...

I quickly accepted the fact that I erased my Windows 8.1 but I felt just fine, thanks to Dropbox, I think everything I needed, that is important are already on the cloud, so I went straight ahead to get on with my Ubuntu new setup while preparing a Windows 8.1 bootable pendrive - only if it is that simple...

After I set up pretty much everything on my Ubuntu desktop, I reboot the computer and try to boot into the Windows 8.1 drive I got at hand.

Well, I had to say everytime I want to boot into the BIOS, I have to test every function key before I got the right one - Del, F1 - F12 and Esc.

On my laptop, function keys had to be pressed while the fn key is down. or it will be a function instead of a function key (thanks Apple). Note to self - F12 = select bootable media, F2 = BIOS.

I forgot to say, I used the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool provided by Microsoft to format my pendrive, as suggested by the first link on Google.

When I finally get into the bootable media selection screen after my 14th tries (yes, I tried every function key and f12 is the last one, fuck me, right?), there are only the Ubuntu partitions on the screen. I thought to myself, no way my pendrive is already broken, I got them like, 2 months ago!

So I booted into Ubuntu, and see the drive working normally as it should be.

I inserted it into my Windows Desktop, it shows that it is an NTFS drive, bootable. Everything sounded normal, so I guess it must be Microsofts bootable drive makers problem. I seek for an alternative online and came across something called Rufus, seemed like a very promising bootable drive maker, so I used that to format my pendrive again.

Half an hour later, I got a formatted pendrive, in FAT32, it should work, I said to myself.

Luckily, this time my computer recognize my bootable drive, then I started installing it, everything was just fine and I got my Windows running, but somehow, it wiped my Ubuntu.

Fuck this shit, right? I was still OK with it since I got another computer running and it was just like a side task for me while I work on my Desktop and installing the systems. But still, thats half an hour of work on the Ubuntu setup is now gone.

When the Windows is done installing, I realize my Windows licence that comes along with my Laptop is now gone - I dont keep the stickers and Windows doesnt recognize my Laptops licence - well, thats alright though, I can always activate it, with some other ways...

So I went on and set up my Windows 8.1 installation, some of the drivers does come back automatically, but the trackpad driver isnt, and it works weirdly until I have the official one installed again.

When everything is done, I thought to myself, lets not waste that much of time to play with dual boot, just install VMware player and use Ubuntu within my Windows 8.1 installation, so I went through the installation process again in the VM, in the middle, VMware player told me that it doesnt work since the ISO I was using was for x64 system and my computer only works with x32 - I thought, fuck this shit, I ran Ubuntu x64 just fine back then - but turned out thats something to do with the Hyper V setting or so - some Intel technology that enhance virtualization performance embedded in the motherboard.

I went into the BIOS and turned that on, entered Windows and try installing Ubuntu x64 again, this time, it worked.

But its laggy  - since I have to leave some RAM and processing power for the Windows 8.1, I can only allocate half of the available resources on my laptop for the guest OS, thats 4 cores and 4GB of RAM, but still, it is not as smooth as it was as it is in a dual boot setup where both system gets the full power of my laptop. Also, VMware player kind of sucks on a smaller screen, it triggered some hot corner reaction when I move my cursor to the upper right corner - which will log me off from the guest system.

I grew tired of that and decided to try setting up dual boot again.

Thats where the real nightmare begins.

So I make a Ubuntu bootable drive with Rufus again, and this time, my computer cannot recognize the drive. Then I started researching.

Turned out this is something to do with the UEFI and BIOS - my computer runs on UEFI by default and doesnt recognize boot media that is prepared for BIOS setup.

As far as I understand, BIOS and UEFI does pretty much the same thing - it runs something essential on the computer before booting into the OS we normally uses, it is the firmware for our computers. BIOS being the old standard and UEFI is an advanced version of something named EFI (U stands for Unified).

I wasnt aware of the problem and I thought I saw something called UEFI in my BIOS menu, so I entered my BIOS(actually, my computer runs on UEFI with BIOS legacy support, but I will still call it BIOS for easy understanding) and switched on the legacy support. Well, then my computer was able to recognize the pendrive as bootable media, but when I tried to install the system, it cannot see the partition I made in Windows - all it can see is a 128GB of unallocated space.

That means if I am to install Ubuntu on that space, I will wipe out my mint Windows 8.1 setup again.

After hours of frustration, with no luck on the internet - I didnt know what is the difference of UEFI and BIOS by then, so the discussions online means nothing to me... I decide to go bold and install the Ubuntu there, knowing that there is some differences between UEFI and BIOS. Anyway, I wiped out my Windows 8.1 setup by installing the Ubuntu on the Unallocated space, then I got a new Ubuntu setup, at least thats something good.

I repartitioned my SSD, leaving only 20GB for Ubuntu, and tried to install Windows. This time, things fucked up again - my computer cannot recognize the Windows 8.1 bootable pendrive this time - it was so shocking - I just installed Windows with that, how can it not recognizing it now?

Then I went on to change the UEFI settings in my UEFI again, then it recognize my Windows 8.1 pendrive, but it doesnt recognize my Ubuntu setup. I installed Windows 8.1 again, then Ubuntu is gone.

After several tries, I started again with UEFI Ubuntu installed and a UEFI Windows 8.1 Bootable Pendrive made with Rufus.

Everything should work, and it worked fine until the Windows 8.1 installation reaches 89%.

An error tells me the installation failed.

My instinct tells me thats something wrong with the Windows setup, and turns out, it is Rufus that is the problem - it has a bug while making UEFI Windows 8.1 bootable pendrive...

Thats where I started to research more about UEFI and BIOS, in order to know exactly whats happening.

Well, its time to explain clearly what just happened on my computer in the last 24 hours:

I reinstalled Ubuntu, but selected the wrong partition - Ubuntu select the entire sda1 (the first disk on your computer) if you chose Something else on the installation screen. So, it wiped out everything on my computer.

At this point, since I havent changed anything in my UEFI(BIOS) settings, my system setup is pure UEFI. UEFI, as a newer system, doesnt work with NTFS drives! That is why it cannot recognize my pendrive formatted by the Microsoft tool as it would automatically format it into NTFS.

Then, when I switch the settings in UEFI to make it support my pendrive, I installed a Windows 8.1 as BIOS setup. My computer is therefore wiped, and the Ubuntu setup is gone.

Then, when I install Ubuntu again, since it is a UEFI setup, in my BIOS setting, it doesnt recognize my pendrive, so I had to switch back to UEFI. However, when my computer is set to work with UEFI, it doesnt recognize the Windows 8.1 installation that is set to work with BIOS environment...

When I installed the Ubuntu using UEFI, it wiped out the BIOS Windows 8.1. Then when I sense the problem, the UEFI pendrive I made with Rufus is buggy because it cannot make a functioning UEFI windows 8.1 bootable pendrive...

I cannot believe how much time I wasted just because I picked a buggy tool!

The takeaways :

UEFI & BIOS are both firmware, but only one can exist at a time in one physical disk.

Rufus cannot make UEFI bootable Windows 8.1 media, dont waste your time on that - yes, it has the option, but it will not work. In other words, Rufus sucks.

Windows USB/DVD download tool works well but it can only make NTFS format bootable drive, so its useless when your computer is based on UEFI. In other words, this sucks.

UEFI cannot work with NTFS, which is a newer and better standard for storage media, but it is a more advanced alternative to BIOS. Well, in other words, UEFI kind of sucks.

Dont play with BIOS/UEFI without knowing what youre doing.


To dual boot Windows and Ubuntu on a UEFI setup, make sure both installation media is formatted to work with UEFI (a.k.a FAT32).

Dont use Rufus and Windows USB/DVD download tool to make UEFI setup, the first one cannot complete the installation, the second one - its always formatted as NTFS, so, its a no for UEFI.

To make a Windows 8.1 bootable pendrive for UEFI, simply formatted your pendrive into FAT32, then mount the Windows 8.1 ISO, copy everything there onto your Pendrive - dada, its done.

Note that its different for Windows 7 since Windows 7 do not have the UEFI boot files by default, extra steps are needed to do it. (Or just use another bootable drive maker other than Rufus)


Ubuntu need the swap area to hibernate, it may be a good idea to let Ubuntu set itself up, it will automatically make a swap partition of the same size of the amount of your RAM. It might not be a good idea though, on an Ultrabook, since storage is scarce.

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Ubuntu 11 10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 2 is Released!

Ubuntu 11 10 Oneiric Ocelot Beta 2 is Released!

Its been like 2 or 2.5 weeks since Canonical released the Ubuntu 11.10 beta 1 and few hours ago theyve released the last of the "testing versions", the 11.10 Beta 2!. This is the last of all "tests" and all that remains is the official release of the Oneiric Ocelot, scheduled at 13 October 2011 (man Im so excited!, I can criticize, etc... a lot to write about :P).

With this release theyve finally made it possible to fit it inside a standard CD (about 695MB for the 32-bit version) and more ARM architecture support has been added (via different disk images). Below are few of the new updates in the 11.10 Beta 2 version

*. Gnome 3 has been updated to the latest beta 3.1.9 which is on its way to the official Gnome Shell 3.2 released. A quick remainder for those of you whove been just woken up from your hibernation sleep ;-), remember, Gnome 3 is well supported in Ubuntu but it is not included in the default CD disk image. But you can install it via the online Ubuntu repositories nonetheless.

*. Includes the Kernel 3.0.4 version.

*. Comes with the Mozilla Firefox 7.0 beta 6.

*. And Thunderbird 7.0 beta 3.

*. Synaptic is removed (as most knows) but also the default video editor PiTiVi has also been removed.

*. LightDM with a new theme.

*. Banshee 2.2.0.

*. Shotwell 0.11.1.

These are the usual main apps to remind and as usual the Ubuntu Software Center is also updated with some bug fixes, etc as well. All the other official Ubuntu derivatives such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc have also released their Beta 2 version simultaneous to this release too.

As mentioned, from now, since the CD disk image fits into a 700MB CD, now you can download the beta 2 and use it as a LiveCD rather than the USB version with some of the previous "alpha and beta" versions.

If interested, you can get it from this official release page. Good luck.

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Ubuntu Tweak

Ubuntu Tweak

ubuntu tweak screenshot

Ubuntu Tweak allows you to tweak various ubuntu settings in one place, clean your system and many other useful tasks.

Installing Ubuntu Tweak

Add following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list.

 deb intrepid main deb-src intrepid main 

And execute following commands to install ubuntu tweak.

 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install ubuntu-tweak 

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Typing Master 10 Free Download Test Typing Speed Within 60 Seconds

Typing Master 10 Free Download Test Typing Speed Within 60 Seconds

Download Typing Master

TypingMaster Typing Test, free and safe download. TypingMaster Typing Test latest version: Test yourself and find out how quickly you can type.Typing Master 10, a full touch typing course you take on your PC, not only keeps but also analyzes statistics and issues specific .TypingMaster has gone through a major upgrade these past few years. First we updated all courses to Flash and adjusted the outlook to be more .

Download TypingMaster now from 1Filehippo: 100% safe and virus free. More than 13177 downloads this month. Download TypingMaster latest version for free.TypingMaster, free and safe download. TypingMaster latest version: Take your typing to the next level. Getting your ideas from your head onto the screen can be . is a free online Typing Test and exciting typing games and ... Play our numerous typing games to become a true keyboard master.TypingMaster Typing Test is a free, full-featured typing skills application for the Windows platform. You can start by using warm up typing games, and then you .

Typing Master for Windows - Analyze and Train Typing in Real-time.Typing Master 10 is a touch typing course that adapts to your unique needs. It provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to ...

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Ultra Street Fighter IV Xbox 360 FreeBoot En

Ultra Street Fighter IV Xbox 360 FreeBoot En

Sinopsis Touken Ranbu � Hanamaru: 

Pada tahun 2205 ini, Para �revisionis sejarah� telah memulai serangan terhadap masa lalu dalam rencana mereka untuk mengubah sejarah. Saniwa, yang telah dituduh melindungi sejarah, dapat menghidupkan suatu objek. Senjata terkuat di antaranya adalah Touken Danshi.
Anime Fall 2016
Genres: Fantasy
Fansub & Uploader : Samehada

Link Download :

Touken Ranbu � Hanamaru Episode 06 Subtitle Indonesia .MKV
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Ubuntu Use Centered Windows

Ubuntu Use Centered Windows

Ubuntu defaults to having your applications launch in different locations of your screen based on unused screen space, rather than to consistently appear in the center of your screen. I can see how this is useful for some, but it frustrates me. Here is how to change that.

    Open Compiz.
    Open up the "Place" plugin under "Window Management".
    Set Placement Mode to "Centered"

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Thanks to Adele Anggraeni - Youtube

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Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design

Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design

Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design

 2010 | PDF | 196 pages | ISBN: 1907232478 | 81.69 Mb
Design is a deeply ingrained part of the human psyche. Since the earliest days when we were painting cave walls, we have been interested in creating objects that that tell a story or simply brighten up our surroundings.
The advent of the computer has brought our interest in design to a whole new level. We can now manipulate our creations as often as we like, producing a definitive copy to share with friends, family and the world at large. Covering Photoshop, InDesign, QuarkXPress and more, this comprehensive guide provides step-by-step guides to harnessing the power of your computer and using this to create professional, appealing and engaging projects.


For Art book and e-book request please
visit our facebook page

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Tugas Perdagangan Internasional

Tugas Perdagangan Internasional

Mendalami perdagangan internasional, terdapat beberapa istilah yang sangat terkait dengan kegiatan perdagangan internasional, antara lain:
  • Subsidi
  • Kuota
  • Premi
  • Dumping
  • Tarif
Baik subsidi, kuota, premi, dumping dan tarif semuanya adalah kebijakan pemerintah dalam perdagangan internasional, yang bertujuan meningkatkan perekonomian dalam negeri.
Ya, seharusnya kesejahteraan lah yang di tuju dari kegiatan perdagangan internasional, namun tanpa adanya peraturan yang diterapkan maka bisa-bisa perekonomian suatu negara malah menurun.
Untuk itulah ada kebijakan-kebijakan yang diterapkan pemerintah antara lain:


Subsidi adalah bantuan yang diberikan pada suatu produsen atau industri dengan tujuan mempertahankan diri dari kejatuhan atau juga meningkatkan daya saing.
Perdagangan internasional memungkinkan masuknya produk luar negeri yang murah, jika produk dalam negeri mempunyai harga yang tinggi, disinilah subsidi akan sangat berpengaruh. Bantuan subsidi ini digunakan untuk menekan harga tinggi produk dalam negeri, sehingga bisa bersaing dengan produk impor.


Kuota adalah kebijakan lain yang digunakan demi mempertahankan produk/ jasa dalam negeri dengan cara membatasi jumlah maksimum yang dapat diimpor. Jumlah maksimum impor yang dibatasi akan mengakibatkan harga barang naik, sehingga akan mengalami penurunan permintaan dan pada akhirnya produksi yang sama dalam negeri akan meningkat.

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Dalam kehidupan bersosial, baik dikeluarga, masyarakat ataupun saat ditempat kerja terkadang kita terlibat konflik dengan sesama. Alangkah baiknya bila konflik ini dapat diselesaikan dengan cara musyawarah kekeluargaan. Namun bila cara tersebut tidak dapat ditempuh dikarenakan karakter lawan bicara yang tidak bisa diajak musyawarah dan malah berniat jahat, berbuat anarkis, mengajak beradu fisik, mempunyai sifat pendendam.

Maka untuk menghadapi lawan yang mempunyai sifat seperti itu jalan kekerasan bukanlah merupakan cara pemecahan masalah yang terbaik. Adakalanya �jalan halus� lebih tepat. Sehingga akhirnya ia menyerah, paling tidak ia akan melunturkan / mengurungkan niatnya untuk berbuat jahat. Dalam khasanah dunia metafisika terdapat suatu ilmu spiritual yang mempunyai daya untuk menetralkan niat jahat seseorang. Yaitu ILMU PANGLARUTAN.

Panglarutan berasal dari kata �larut� yang artinya luntur. Dalam hal ini maknanya adalah melarutkan / melunturkan / menetralkan atau mengurungkan niat seseorang yang bermaksud jahat. Sehingga diri kita akan aman tanpa harus beradu fisik (kekerasan) dengan orang tersebut. Tentu saja semua itu semata-mata karena kuasa Allah Swt karena ilmu ini diambil dari kalam suciNYA:

???? ?????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????????? ??????????

Q,S. Al An�am: 103.

Adapun caranya sebagai berikut :

  1. Berpuasa 3 hari, dengan niat puasa sunat mutlak (ikhlas Lillahi ta�ala; karena Allah SWT). Puasa dimulai hari Senin atau Kamis.
  2. Selama puasa perbanyaklah membaca wirid �Ya Lathiif� minimal 129 kali
  3. Selama dalam masa puasa, setiap tengah malam mengerjakan sholat hajat 2 raka�at. Setelah selesai sholat, lalu bacalah ayat ini sebanyak 70 kali: �Laa tudrikuhul abshoru wahuwa yudrikul abshoro wahuwal lathiful khobir�
  4. Setelah itu berdoa kepada Alloh swt agar diberi keselamatan lahir batin dan dihindarkan dari ancaman musuh (sebutkan Nama orang yang bermaksud jahat tersebut).
  5. Setelah selesai masa puasa, ayat tersebut masih harus anda baca setiap seusai sholat Subuh dan Maghrib 13 kali, sebagai wirid atau amalan rutin sampai masalah/konflik tersebut berakhir.
  6. Pengalaman saya biasanya kurang dari 1 minggu masalah (konflik) sudah reda. Paling cepat kurang dari 3 hari.

InsyaAllah, dengan memohon ridho dan kekuatan Allah swt, orang tersebut akan mengurungkan niat jahatnya terhadap anda. Amiin.


Ki UmarJogja

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فوائد إيلان الدكتور محمد الفايد

فوائد إيلان الدكتور محمد الفايد

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    Ubuntu没有声音了怎么办? zz

    Ubuntu没有声音了怎么办? zz

    1. ??????????????audio????????????

    ls -la /dev/snd


    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 180 2008-05-14 08:53 .
    drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4580 2008-05-15 13:01 ..
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 8 2008-05-14 08:53 controlC0
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 7 2008-05-14 08:53 hwC0D2
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 6 2008-05-14 08:54 pcmC0D0c
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 5 2008-05-14 14:04 pcmC0D0p
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 4 2008-05-14 08:53 pcmC0D1p
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 3 2008-05-14 08:53 seq
    crw-rw----+ 1 root root 116, 2 2008-05-14 08:53 timer

    ?????root?audio???????? ????????????
    ?root?Volume Control????????????????????

    sudo chmod -R a+rwx /dev/snd

    ??????????????????? ?????????

    sudo usermod -a -G audio usrname.



    2. ??????

    ls -la /dev/snd????????????
    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?OK

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    Travis Day on the state of WotB and Archon

    Travis Day on the state of WotB and Archon

    Blizzard tracker: April 19, 2013

    I have a love hate relationship with Wrath and Archon for that matter. This is a topic that I felt I should at least comment on since its come up on many occasions. There is no fundamental flaw with having a 2 minute cooldown ability that transforms your character and is really powerful, the problem is when it becomes a forgone conclusion that these AWESOME abilities are up 100% of the time and instead of being excited that they are up you are annoyed when they fall off. We have talked about what if anything we want to do with these abilities in the long term. I will say we have no short term plans to change them but we dont like that they arent fulfilling their original purpose which is to provide a really awesome button that mixes up the tempo of combat for a small window of time.


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    Tronix Master Inc Cavite South Luzon

    Tronix Master Inc Cavite South Luzon

    Contact Person: MS. MARY ANN DIONISIO
    Coverage Area: Cavite

    Tel #:
    (046) 475-6362  

    Mobile #:


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    Trash cli Manage Trash from Command line in Ubuntu Linux

    Trash cli Manage Trash from Command line in Ubuntu Linux

    By using a utility named trash-cli you can simply mange Trash from command line  

     The location of Trash folder in old GNOME version is (~/.Trash), in current versions it is in ~/.local/share/Trash. There is two sub folders named files and info. The files folder contains the files deleted and info directory consists of meta data for each deleted file.

    First step, install trash-cli utility

    $ sudo apt-get install trash-cli

    It installs three commands,
    1. list-trash to list down the files in trash
    2. trash to move the file to trash
    3. restore-trash to restore the file to original path


    $ trash love.txt      ( move the file love.txt to trash folder)

    $ list-trash              (List the contents of Trash folder) 

           2011-10-27 22:46:28 /home/abc/love.txt

     $ restore-trash love.txt   (Restore the file love.txt) 

       0 2011-10-27 22:46:28 /home/abc/love.txt
    What file to restore [0..0]: 0  (if there is more than one file list shows 1  2  3 etc)

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    TWRP Recovery flashen Xiaomi Anleitung

    TWRP Recovery flashen Xiaomi Anleitung

    TWRP Recovery f�r das Redmi Note 3 Pro
    Wer eine andere ROM nutzen m�chte, wie die von, der muss das MiRecovery durch das TWRP-Recovery ersetzen. Die Voraussetzung daf�r ist ein entsperrter Bootloader (wie entsperre ich den Bootloader). Ist das der Fall, dann k�nnt Ihr unter Linux/Windows (per Fastboot) das Recovery flashen.

    Anleitung auf eigene Gefahr! Mit dem Flashen einer Custom-ROM/einem Custom-Recovery/entsperren des Bootloaders verliert Ihr die Garantie und Gew�hrleistung auf euer Ger�t! Weder ich, noch sonst irgendwer �bernehmen eine Haftung, f�r irgendwelche Sch�den, die durch das befolgen dieser Anleitung geschehen! 
    Erst einmal sollten alle Dateien kopiert werden, welche Ihr ben�tigt. In meinem Fall kopiere ich die Firmware in den internen Speicher, meines Xiaomi-Smartphones. Wenn Ihr nur TWRP flashen wollt, um dann SuperSU (Root) zu flashen, dann ist das nat�rlich nicht notwendig (nur die SuperSu zip-Datei kopieren).
    Bei wird euch auf der selben Seite TWRP angeboten, wie oben im Screenshot zu sehen.
    TWRP herunterladen und in den ADB Ordner verschieben (Windows). Unter Linux spielt es keine Rolle, wo die Datei abgelegt wird.
    Ihr musst dann die Datei auspacken, wenn diese als .zip-Datei angeboten wird.
    Wir ben�tigen eine .img-Datei.
    Eigentlich ist das nicht notwendig aber am besten die Datei umbenennen - recovery.img
    Dann k�nnt Ihr die Befehle weiter unten einfach kopieren und m�sst diese nicht anpassen. 
    Unter Windows wird oft die Dateiendung nicht angezeigt --> Rechtsklick --> Eigenschaften --> Dateityp -- > (.img)
    CMD als Administrator ausf�hren, euer Xiaomi-Smartphone/Tablet in die Fastboot Mode versetzen und mit dem Rechner verbinden (nicht �ber USB-Hub, USB 3.0 und USB 3.1 - unter Linux ist es egal).
    1. Verzeichnis wechseln (da wo sich adb befindet)
    2. Den Befehl dir ausf�hren und dabei achten, dass das Recovery als .img-Datei aufgelistet wird.
    3. �berpr�fen, ob Fastboot euer Ger�t findet fastboot devices
    4. Mit fastboot flash recovery recovery.img das Recovery flashen und am Ende sollte OKAY sowie Finished angezeigt werden, wie oben im Bild. Habt Ihr die Datei nicht wie oben umbenannt, dann Befehl anpassen.
    5. Mit fastboot boot recovery.img das ganze beenden und schon bootet euer Smartphone/Tablet TWRP.
    Unter Linux w�rde das ganze so aussehen, dann aber auch mit Punkt 5 direkt zu TWRP booten.
    Das Erste was passieren k�nnte - TWRP ist chinesisch.
    Oben im Screenshot - sorry f�r die schlechte Bildqualit�t - k�nnt Ihr sehen, wo Ihr es umstellen k�nnt (Select Language --> von Chinese auf German oder English umstellen).
    Setzt einen Haken unter Never show this screen during boot again und best�tigt mit Swipe to Allow Modifications.

    Tipp: Es gibt f�r sehr beliebte Ger�te oft "official TWRP".
    Einfach mal nach eurem Ger�t suchen (externe Link zu TWRP)

    Bei jedem Ger�t kann es Unterschiede geben...
    Beispiel: Das Recovery kann nur geflasht werden, wenn sich bereits TWRP auf dem Ger�t befindet.
    Ihr flasht euch somit zuerst TWRP von und dann das Official TWRP per TWRP selbst.
    Install Image (unten rechts, da von Werk aus auf ZIP gestellt ist) --> TWRP ausw�hlen --> Swipe to flash
    Reboot --> System
    Schon habt Ihr das neuste TWRP Recovery und es kann dann auch mit der Tastenkombination gebootet werden. Oft in Foren ein h�ufiges Problem...

    Tipp 2: Verwendet keine alten Anleitungen! Damals war TWRP unter Xiaomi nicht notwendig, deshalb funktionieren die alten Anleitungen in der Regel nicht.
    Tipp 3: In einigen Anleitungen ist die Rede von "flash boot.img" - das k�nnte notwendig sein. Beim Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro (Snapdragon - Kenzo) ist es nicht der Fall. Wenn Ihr diese Anleitung verwendet und beim ersten Start eine "official TWRP" flasht, dann wird TWRP �ber die Tastenkombination sicher starten. Ich hab das auch ohne official TWRP probiert... wurde Punkt 4 ausgelassen, dann wollte das Redmi Note 3 Pro nicht in den Recovery Modus booten.
    Tipp 4: Sichert euer System! W�hlt den Punkt Backup aus.
    Unter Name nichts eintragen (dann wird es automatisch nach Datum und Uhrzeit geordnet), System, Data und Boot anw�hlen, auf Select Storage klicken
    Am besten auf die Speicherkarte oder auf einen USB Stick (�ber OTG-Kabel) Backup anlegen und mit Swipe to Backup best�tigen. Je nach System kann das auch mal ne halbe Stunde dauern aber dann k�nnt Ihr immer euer System wiederherstellen (unter TWRP auf Restore und Backup ausw�hlen).
    Sollte es eine update geben - besonders wichtig f�r alle die Dev ROMs verwenden - dann kann es auch mal in die Hose gehen. Mit einem Backup k�nnt Ihr dank TWRP ganz schnell wieder zum alten System zur�ck.

    Solltet Ihr Fragen haben, dann einfach schreiben. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob Ihr ein Mi5, Redmi Note 3 oder Redmi 3 habt.

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