Saturday, September 23, 2017



I thought it was sweet of Tumblr to send me a birthday cake which they probably automatically do for everyone. Tumblr states it has turned 6. I started using my Tumblr since 2011. It was my first blog before I moved to Blogger. I didnt have a blog before Tumblr. And its been seen an awful lot like any blog. And it all depends on what you are posting at the time. I wouldnt say my Tumblr is a popular blog because it isnt but its more or less known to Boopers. Like I said to myself years before the whole Boop-a-Doop I knew my fair share and wanted to share what I knew. So I started working on the Wikia (which needs fixing a lot) which has been seen by 3.5K people and my separate Boop Tumblr blog which is basically a fan blog to boost a fictional Boop character and everything that is Boop related. 

Quite a lot of people look up the Betty Boop Wikia on a daily base from 500 people to 1000 including editors (me = 1) but I am rarely on all the time I have to fit it in and so on. Like I said most of the site is cool but then there are some errors missed out. And the site is only to boost Betty as a character as general fandom and to help others learn more about her like really go into full detail including hidden stuff. Stuff that is usually hidden in the character. Because as you know official websites will not tell you everything or go into full detail about actors and actresses and so on. The Wikia will continue to be updated. But there are more rules to it now then there once were. Which are not to just upload random stuff which people were doing. Ill always keep an EYE out for what goes down as long as I can. Its been a bumpy ride on the Wikia with one year when a Universal Studios actress by the name of Kunoichi going bat **** insane over practically nothing. I found it funny her going all the way like she was mentally ill or something just not to be on a list. How crazy is that!? Shes not some Hollywood diva come off it. But yeah if she didnt want to be listed it was her right as much as a moron she was. And yes I will clap back at her because I came to realize that she was a being a bitch. So Ill be a bitch right back at her. I dont like drama on the internet. In the end it is mostly me, myself and I trying to fix errors on the pages. People do sometimes appears and edit a few here and there but they never really mess with the episode listing which is the main thing that is needed to be updated or fixed. The layout is crazy and it goes in a fashion I made myself, starting with quotes. And most of the time I cannot remember what the hell I am doing.

I did have a few YT accounts and I can no longer access them due to me forgetting the password to all of them. Because who really keeps track? It was just to boost Betty Boop and nothing more. Remember those animated singing sequences were from the public domain cartoons at the time thus the crappy quality. Booping is more than just one thing its many. The blog will continue to go on for as long as it can. I couldnt really access the blog from Google Mobile for some unknown reason but it comes up when using a normal desktop. I think Google blacklisted it for some unknown reason on the mobile. Do I get anything for blogging? No of course not I do it because I want to and its fun. Not everything posted will trend so you have to work with what people are also making trend which must be Boop related or Fleischer related for that matter. Betty Boop as a character has her official own social platform so in reality the character does not really need the boost. But I can say there were quite a few posts on my blog that trended and thats really nice. Like I said Ill continue to root as much as I can and keep it going for as long as I can. You know there is more to life that blogging and I really find it hard to fit it in. The people who use the social platform owned by Yahoo decide what they want to trend, you cant tell them they do what they want and if they like something you post thats cool because they are sharing what they feel. And dont think I havent noticed Ive seen how people feel when they repost and add captions and most of the time well all of the time its positive because they also love a little Boop-Boop-a-Doop in their live.

I did a little bit of counting and basically it should have turned 7 not 6. Apparently Tumblr do not count the first year but then again I only started my blog in February 2011. I cant really complain because the blog in question has been running for years and it has been a lot of fun and everyone who Boop-a-Dooped with me you are just amazing because it does show your love for Boop Boop a Doop.

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