Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Tuesday Overwatch Update!
Tuesday Overwatch Update!

As opposed to our Monday Overwatch update, Sundays Overwatch post and lets not forget Saturdays post, which focused mostly on Overwatch.
Well today, Blizzard posted a new Dev video detailing
1. why the PTR isnt on consoles and probably wont be (duh), and how Blizzard uses it,
2. they dont expect Sombra to ever be "a vicious assasin, even though shes in the offense category. We could see equally see her almost being in the support category. We see her more as a disrupter - a backline disrupter - than a frontline flanker or assassin."
3. the changes to Roadhogs hook are indented to both address Roadhog players who feel cheated when their hook drops players in the wrong place and Roadhog victims who feel like his hook is bullshit.
4. D.Vas too awesome at everything and shes gettin nerfed, Son.On the personal front, my Tracer is getting way better than she was last fall Back then, she was in the 74th percentile - meaning I was better than about 74% of Tracers on PS4, and worse than about 26%. Well now...

Not. Too. Shabby. 88th percentile Tracer. Fuckyeah. Also, remember that owranklist site that tells you your best-ever match in Overwatch? Back in September, it was a Mercy match on Ilios (I should pull her out on KotH more):

Well now its a Tracer match on Kings Row. Fuck yes.

Now, lets post some news about other games. For once. Oh, and yknow what? I think the Gel clip show from last week actually is a good one. Thats a good clip show.
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