Sunday, September 3, 2017

Treasure Potion Trash Dash Entry for PW G

Treasure Potion Trash Dash Entry for PW G

Flux over at PowerWord:Gold decided to toss a contest out to all the folks that wanted to take a challenge. Always loving a contest, I rocked one of my favorite farming spots....Ascendants Rise in Hyjal.

Now this contest gave me interest.... Nothing about goldmaking, nothing about your AH, its all about two things. One, you need to use a Potion of Treasure Finding. Two, you have to vendor everything (well, at least get the vendor pricing) for all that you get from mobs. 

So I broke down and did it. I used my rogue, but.....I didnt pickpocket on this run, although I originally thought about it, but due to the "return" on time, I decided not to.....For once, I actually farmed non-stop, no rest, no smoke breaks, no beer breaks. Not even a drink. Non-stop farming. And I was pleasantly surprised with the results.....

First off, I never picked this many Tiny Treasure Chests in an hour (21). Never. The rest of the drops seemed around normal. One thing.....In the midst of the hour, I never had to reset my slice and dice. Not once. Non-stop.....

The numbers to the right is just the loot dropped. Not factoring in any Tiny Treasure Loot, as that pic is below. Vendoring everything that dropped, I cleared just over 221g.

Remember, this does not count the gold looted from the mobs (which ended up at 147.5g in case you were wondering- and no blue or epix dropped, just greenies).

Here is the loot from the Tiny Treasure Chests that I picked up:

So to Flux and fellow contestants, my total for the entry is: 296g10s58c

In case you are wondering where, what route, or if my drops are correct, or worse case just want to see Alto running around killing mobs at 8X speed, take the next 8 minutes to see 60 minutes of farming...."Speedy Gonzales Style"

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