Sunday, September 3, 2017
Ultimate Diablo III Site Free D3 Guide Maps and Forum Access!
Ultimate Diablo III Site Free D3 Guide Maps and Forum Access!

A few words about his guide that I got a kick outta:
Our guide is currently on sale.....for 100% off!
This guide is SO free, you cant afford NOT to buy it!
We will never charge for our guide, not even if you double dog dare us!
Those that know Adam, he was on the podcast I was a part of for a short time (Addicted 2 Azeroth), he was a "guru" in the weekly WoW meetings at the "old" JMTC, and anytime you see him post a tweet (@dollada06), grab your popcorn as something is about to set sail.
As you might have guessed, I have been away from the blog and WoW in general for some time. My daughter is growing like a week (nearing three years old), and I am prepping for multiple back surgeries and its tough to sit or stand too long, so any computer "work" is out of the question, unless its short lived. I did however want to strike up the blog for those that are getting into Diablo III to show you about a site that has caught my attention.....

Sexy, huh? Although there arent many posts currently, knowing Adam, there will be quite a big push during the coming weeks, so make sure and bookmark, follow through google, RSS feed for new posts to your inbox, know the drill.
There are a few great things right off the bat. Look at the tabs available to click. First, you have the link for the FREE Diablo III guide:

You might notice that its through fileswap, which, for some folks, an automatic red flag is waving in the air. I am trying to convince him to use standalone pages for his guide (similar to what I have used for my WoW Guide and 4.3 Update), we will see if he goes for it.....until then, you have to fileswap.
Next tab, you will see the forums link. A ton of great information as well as an amazing group of folks there at The Sancuary (which is a great info site all in itself- In fact, itll be one of my main resources for the scoop on Diablo Tres):

Going down the line, next tab you will see quick access to the Diablo III map:

See? Told you it was a great site! What is it missing? Nothing....but I am sure Adam will figure out a few more tabs as time goes, so keep posted.
Since I havent been in the area much, do you have some favorite sites you are leaning towards? Do you have forums, podcasts, or other D3 info you would like to share? Do you have a blog you write about strategies in Diablo III? I wanna hear about them! Shout out in comments!
Thanks for reading as always,
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