Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Swimming Drills

Like all sports, there are many ways to improve in swimming. In the book Total Immersion: The Revolutionary way to Swim Better, Faster, and Easier it talks about the fastest ways to make your swimming strokes faster. It says that the best way to get faster quicker is to do drill sets but it also says if you do too much of them and tire yourself out to where you are not doing them right anymore then it will do more harm than good (Laughlin 85). In my experience trying this out I noticed that the author was definitely right. The more sets I did the more tired I got and I wasn’t doing them correctly.


During my time at the pool I used another set of advice from the author. In the section it said, “Practice drills in 25-yard repeats, resting 10-15 seconds in between. Every rep should feel a little smoother and more relaxed, a little more precise and economical” (Laughlin 85). I did this set and I will continue to do it because I feel that over time it will improve my stroke immensely. I stayed very smooth and it made my stroke longer which is better for races in the long run.

Have you ever wondered while you were swimming and splashing around with your friends, is there an art to swimming? Or how do I become a better swimmer in a small amount of time?

 Laughlin, Terry, and John Delves. Skill Drills: The Fastest Way to a Faster Stroke. Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way to Swim Better, Faster, and Easier. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004. 85. Print.